What is Xilnex Cloud Pos Power BI Integration ?
Xilnex Cloud Pos Power Bi Integration is a API integration that extracts data from Xilnex Cloud Pos & stores to a database of your choice, that database can be connected to Power BI to generate reports.
How does Chanakya helps in Integrating Xilnex Cloud Pos & Power BI ?
Chanakya acts as a middleware to integrate Xilnex Cloud Pos & Power BI & helps with the integration by performing below two important steps
- Extracting data from Xilnex Cloud Pos & storing it to the Database of your choice
- By Connecting the database where the data is stored to Power BI
What objects are extracted from Xilnex Cloud Pos to Power BI using this Integration ?
We extract almost all data from Xilnex Cloud Pos which a organization might need for reporting purpose but in case if we don't already extract what you need, we can do it for you with a very minimum cost.
Where does my data from Xilnex Cloud Pos go ?
We have two options for storing the data
- We store it on our own secure database hosted in AWS RDS
- We can extract the data and store it to your database
You can go with whatever option you prefer
Is my data secure ?
Yes , your data is 100% secure. We fully encrypt your data while in transfer & we also fully encrypt your data while it is at rest in the database. We are also GDPR compliant.